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Friday, April 1, 2011

Good Bye Friday Sketchers

Hello dear Friday Sketcher participants,

It has been almost 3 years i ran the blog and i had so much fun doing it. Unfortunately i have to  close the blog today with sad and happy feelings at the same time, but who knows what will the future bring :-)
Thanks to all of you for  your interest in our sketches and support by leaving comments and of course following our sketches.

Lots of love from all of us.


The winner of last weeks sketch is
Anne Jorunn
Dear Anne Jorunn your card is fantastic ... please contact Jeanette to claim your prize.


Marion Kuipers-van Eijsden said...

Oh this is such a sad news!!! I always enjoyed the sketches that you gave and all the inspirational examples of the team! I sure will miss you!
Thanks a lot for all you have done!

With love

Kruemel said...

Oh, why am I thinking someone is trying to fool us here?! At least I really hope so...

Kathrin aka Kruemel

Aunty Sue said...

oh no can someone not take it over what will we do without it. I didnt do each week but always looked at the challenge and fitted it in when i could. I wish you all the best

Teresa said...

Yes... yes... happy April fools day ladies, can't wait to see the next challenge. xx

Anne said...

No! Like others, I hope this is an April Fool, I've been looking for the new sketch all day, always play along when I can.
If it's not a joke, all the best to you and thanks for the sketches...


Unknown said...

Oh i really do hope this is an April Fool joke, as i love these blog challenges

Kate xxx

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about FS Claudia.
You did an amazing job creating and running the FS blog...I'm so happy that I was part of your team for some of the journey.
Lots of love to you all.
Carole x

Danni said...

I am so hoping this is an April Fool's joke!! This is one of my most favorite challenges!!

Fiona said...

oh that's such a shame...I love this challenge blog...can one of the other team members not take over??


Stampin'Piper said...

Ladies, I'm so sorry to say that ... it is not an April Fool!

Claudia Sweetie, thanks so much for all you've done, you did a great job!

Big Hugs Tanja

Berry said...

I've been lookijg for the sketch all day too! I am sorry to hear this news hugs Rebekah xx

Sara I. said...

So saddened to hear about the news but praying that you'll be continually blessed in all your future endeavors!

Danielle said...

Oh I'm so sad to hear this Claudia! This is one of my most favourite challenges and the sketches have always been wonderful inspiration. Thanks for everything you have done in the last 3 years .... Friday Sketchers will most definitely be missed :(
Hugs, Danielle

Jacque said...

Claudia, my sincere thanks to you for always taking the lead role in Friday Sketchers and it was a real joy to participate as a DT member! I wish all of my FS DT partners the very best in all of your endeavors! But my biggest thanks go to the participants who always followed the challenge blog so closely and enjoyed the sketches each week! Big hugs to all....Jacque

Aluna said...

I hope it was just a joke on April Fool's Day. Hugs Aluna

Shana said...

I seriously hope like the others this is an April Fool's Day joke because I have always looked forward to Fridays because of your sketches. If not, best of luck with everything, and you will be missed! Your sketches were always AMAZING!

Stephanie said...

Oh no, I have been looking all morning for the post, I love FS!
God Bless!

Sarah Violet said...

Are you going to delete the blog???
I hope not, even if there will be no more sketches. I can still use the old ones!

Debbie said...

Please let this be an April Fool....I love the Friday Sketchers Sketches...Please put me out of my misery!!

This is almost as bad as the spaghetti tree that time!

Debbie said...

Oh I think it's not an April fool, so good luck in the future girls, You will be sadly missed, you were an excellent (and one of my favorite) challenge blogs, the sketches were a joy to do. Best wishes. Debbiexx

Aud said...

So the time to say good bye has come...

I loved staying on the DT with all you wonderful ladies!♥
I know how much work that went into keeping the blog running, and you did such a fabulous job, Claudia, managing it all!

Thanks for all the joy!

Big hugs from Aud
(former DT member)

Sheri said...

I'm sad to hear the news! Your sketches and wonderful DT are both amazing! And...Claudia I want you to know how very much I appreciate you and ...I hope that all is well with you! (((hugs))

Marcea said...

I am so sad to read the blog has finished. What a pity noone would take it over :o(
Thankyou for the amazing sketches you gave us all xxx

Billie's Scrappetique said...

This makes me SOOOO sad! Even though I didn't play very often, I did love looking at your sketches (which were always fab!!) and I always had intentions of linking up. I'm so sorry that you're closing down the blog. I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do, but know that you will be missed....

Jeanette said...

So sorry Ladies..this is not an April Fool's joke.

I am truly sad that FS is ending. I really had wished for it to contine.
I was grateful and honored to serve alongside such talented ladies and deeply grateful to all our wonderful participants.

Big Hugs

lynne said...

What a shame this amazing challenge has to end!! I loved the FS blog and every week looked for the new challenge along with Just Mag...they went hand in hand!

Good luck for the future and thanks for all the hard work that went into keeping this blog running this long!
Lynne x

Shelley said...

Is there nothing to be done to save Friday Sketchers. I would be willing to help if there is a need! Or is this as someone has already said a joke! I have been going back and forth all day waiting on the next sketch from you, what am I to do now! Sorry to see you go. hugs and thanks Shelley

Brook said...

I hope you are fooling us. I would be so sad to see you go as I always look to your sketches for inspiration.

tiggertastic said...

oh no, this was one of my fav blogs i love having a sketch on friday that i can use over the weekend.

hope this is a april fool

sarah x

Teresa said...

Well I am gutted, I love Friday Sketchers and I only found it a few weeks ago when I started doing challenges, I was already hooked on this one. So sorry I thought it was an April fools joke, I will miss this one very much.
Teresa xx

Anouk said...

though I do hope this is an April Fool's trick, I'm truly disappointed... My week won't be the same without looking forward to your sketches .... Good luck!

Jayne Hayward said...

So sorry for this challenge blog to finish, as many of the other ladies have I really enjoyed creating my take on the sketches!

Do so hope that someone will offer to take the challenge blog over and continue.

Jayne xx

Unknown said...

What a shame that we should miss this blog! I will miss the sketches and the wonderful cards the I want to thank you all for your wonderful work. But for all of us followers I surely hope that it is an April fool

greetings, Claudia

Lisa Minckler said...

LOL...that's a hoot. I almost fell for it. Would be terrible news since I just found your site yesterday! :)
Seriously hoping you're not serious.

Cassie said...

Big sad face. . .I wish this were an April Fool's trick, because I really LOVE your sketches from week to week :(

Nicky said...

I do hope this is an Aprils Fools but if its is true I wish you all the best as I have played along for many weeks and have been inspired by your sketches and the DT work

Katie said...

I'm so bummed! This has been one of my favorite challenges. I wish you all the best!

Denimo said...

Oh darn. Sad new for all of us that love this challenge. This was one of my faves! Thanks for providing so much fun and inspiration.

Debbie said...

I hope all is well,especially with such an abrupt departure.. I looked forward to Friday's not only because it is the end of the work week, but also because I loved the sketches. I will miss the design teams beautiful creations and can only hope this is an April Fools prank....


Suvenkorento said...

So sorry to read this :( I have loved this challenge! I hope you and DT have exciting new challenges ahead ^^

*Michaela* said...

April Foools!!! Right?!

Karina said...

I almost can't believe, I so loved to take part here from time to time. Hope it's really an April Fool... looking forward to hear it was :o)
Hugs, Karina

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

I was fooled earlier with this same joke.....atleast this better be a joke!!!

JLJ Designs said...

If it's not an April Fool's, I'll miss the sketches!


Mary J said...

That is just awful news - it's April Fools Day so I have my fingers crossed that you'll be back tomorrow with a big smile!!!!

Will really miss your sketches!

Mina said...

oh no I joined in every week...what will we all do without our weekly FS...all the best and thanks Claudia and all the DT for all your hard work
Mina xxx

Christina Hicks said...

Oh man I am totally bummed, so sad to see you go.

Julie said...

I am so sorry to hear you are closing the challenge. I LOVE Friday Sketchers and often used your sketches as inspiration. You all are so incredibly talented, and I just want to say Thank You for spending your time and talent on this challenge. You will be GREATLY MISSED!

Hugz and best wishes always!


scrapperjulia said...

Oh, no! I love your challenge blog! Thanks for the great sketches and inspiration. I will miss you!

Diane said...

April fools???

Tania said...

Please tell me this is an April fools joke... this would be devastating!

Lynda Nielsen said...

Ohhhhhhhh Please Please Please tell us that you are playing an April Fools joke.... I may not have played every week, but from the time I started blogging, I've checked in each week, and played when I could... My weeks will not be the same ... =( You're challenges have always been so much fun, and what awesome sketches you've given to us over the last 3 years. Friday Sketchers will TRULY be missed.

♥♥RubyM:)♥♥ said...

I am stuck here looking for a sketch for my card and immediately thought,"Friday's Sketchers:!! I always wanted to come and play here with you lovely ladies.First time EVER!

I come here and to my surprise you're CLOSING DOWN!!!!!WHAT!!???

So sad to hear the news but wishing everybody the best of luck.PLEASE DON'T APRIL FOOL US BECAUSE I REALLY NEED A SKETCH just incase,LOL!!!

Any how with best wishes,RubyM:)

Eulanda said...

OH Claudia that's too bad but sometimes life gets in the way and different things take priority. Not always a bad thing!! Good luck on your future endeavors and thanks for providing such wonderful sketches for these 3 years. Wonderful job!! Will see you around the web!!

Unknown said...

Must be an April's Fools Day this one .... is it ?

Suzie Q said...

Oh no what an awful shame please tell me this is an April fool?
Suzie Qx

BrossArtAddiction said...

Oh tell me this is an April Fools joke? No punch line though! :(

xx Tracey xx

Lorraine A said...

Oh my goodness ! I am so sorry that this challenge is closing ,, this is THE first challenge I come to before starting a card and I join in as often as possible.
Thanks to Claudia and the team for all your fabulous work and inspiration, I hope to see you all in blogland and wish you all the very best for the future.
You will be very sadly missed xx
Luv to all
Lols x x x

Donna Mosley said...

Really sad news, have loved taking part in your challenges. You've had the best sketches.

Donna x

Katarina said...

oh no, this has been one of my fab challenge blogs. I hope you can find someone who can take over it. Wishing you the best.

debby4000 said...

Oh no this is one of my favourite challenge blogs and look forward to Fridays.
This is so sad.

Scrapcat 1 said...

so sorry that you are closing the challenge, if you are going to delete the blog (although I hope not as then I can see all the fab cards still) can I take a copy of some of my favourite sketches so i can refer to them?

Tami said...

this is terrible news I hate to see this:( I hope someone can take it over.

coops said...

hiya claudia and fellow dt ladies.
i am so sorry you have decided to stop the sketch challenges, certainly a challenge i will be miss very much but i understand your decision to stop the challenge blog.
wishing you all the best of luck whatever the future may bring and will look forward one day to the challenge starting again :D
take care ladies,
luv coops xxxxx

mueppi said...

Please let this be an April Fool....I love the Friday Sketchers Sketches..
Hugs Gisela

Unknown said...

oh girls what a strong reaction to this very sad post. i also have to say thank you to claudia for the great job, thank you the whole team for the lovely time and thank you too to all the participants for your truth in the almost last 3 years.

lots of love, bea

Debbie said...

Oh dear,such a shame, a fantastic challenge blog.Thank you for sharing the fab sketches with us and thanks to the design team for their hard work.All the best for the future.Take care.Debbie Johns x

Janice said...

Sorry you've decided to call it a day on Friday Sketchers. I've loved doing your challenges over the past year. You have put so much time and effort into this. Thank you so much for all your hard work - will miss you. jx

Unknown said...

So sad to hear this... loved to play along... I wish you all the best and thank you for all the inspiration and fun you gave me...

gina g said...

Oh dear what a terrible shame that you've had to close it down but i wish you all the best for the future ladies. luv gina xx

Kellie said...

So sad to hear this as this was my favourite sketch blog out there. A email to sponsors to let them know would had been nice. But still sad non the less. Amazing work by a bunch of very talented women each week. All the best.

Annette22 said...

oh no, hope so much this is a first Aprils fool,
I loved your sketches so much

thanks for all the inspiritions



Grenouille Greetings said...

Oh this is VERY sad news! I'm so sorry you are stopping the blog. It is a great challenge blog and I've always enjoyed playing along. I wish you every success and happiness in your future endeavours. Hugs, Lesley

thimbles bobbins paper and ink said...

This is sad news! I'll miss this sketch blog very much! Claudia, you've done an amazing job running it and I wish you all the best in the future.

Thank you for the inspiration you've provided these past years.


Craftdee said...

What a shame: I'll miss this great challenge blog, but I know that sometimes you have to make choices in where to put your energies, so all the best in your new ventures Claudia. Dee

Crafty Math Chick said...

WOW, so sorry to hear this - I hope all is okay. Thank you for months and months of wonderful sketches to play with.

Anonymous said...

Blogland will never be the same.....a huge thank you to Claudia and the DT for all your hard work in making it possible for us....will miss it dearly!

Janine said...

I only found your blog a week or so ago and bookmarked it - what a shame it is gone before I even tried a sketch. Good luck.

Ms. Jen said...

What sad news! I truly thought it was an April Fool's joke, but I see now it wasn't. Good luck to all and thank you for all your time it was a blast attempting your sketches each week. You will be truly missed!

Ellen said...

After some weeks of absence I read the news! I don't like it.
Thanks to you for all the inspiration. Good luck....

groetjes, Ellen

Angela Toucan said...

will miss your lovely sketches

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Oh i really do hope this is an April Fool joke, as i love these blog challenges
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Shot blasting machine is the core part of the cleaning machine, it's mainly composed of impeller, blade, directional sleeve, shot wheel, spindle, cover, spindle seat, motor, etc.

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